After completing our 30 Days of Hormonal Balancing Tips series on our Instagram page, we figured since it was so successful, that we would compile all of the information together and share it in a blog post, so it is easier to refer back to!


Day 1: Expose Your Eyes to Sunlight First Thing Upon Waking

Exposing your eyes to sunlight before exposure of any artificial light sends the appropriate signals to the brain to downregulate melatonin and upregulate cortisol. This helps keep our circadian rhythm synchronized, which plays a huge role in hormonal production and secretion!

Other ways to keep your circadian rhythm in sync is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and to reduce blue light exposure after the sun goes down.  

Day 2: Eat Two Brazil Nuts Every Day!

Brazil nuts are rich in selenium which supports thyroid health and the production of thyroid hormones - your thyroid helps to regulate your menstrual cycle functions!

If a woman struggles with poor thyroid function, she is more likely to experience painful periods, PMS, hormonal acne and infertility.

If you have Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, multiple studies show that selenium supplementation significantly reduces thyroid antibodies. 

Day 3: Drink A Glass of Mineralized Water First Thing in The Morning

This is going to help replenish lost fluids from the night before. It is also going to give your metabolism and digestion a kick-start for the day - hydration, digestion and metabolism are all very important for hormonal balance.
Minerals play a huge role in hydrating the body and have been linked to the synthesis and secretion of essential hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, thyroid hormones and insulin. 
Most of us drink purified water or reverse osmosis water. This method of filtration filters out essential minerals the body needs for many functions in the body. You can mineralize purified water simply by adding a small pinch of quality sea salt to a large glass of water or you can purchase minerals to add in your water. Quinton sea water minerals is a great product!
If you want to take it a step further, structured mineral water is the best option! It is a more natural, hydrating form of water. The molecules in structured water have a higher electrical charge which support cell function and are more easily absorbed in the cells due to their shape.
Many people have shown that structured water can be made by using UV or infrared light or by vortexing it. When you create a vortex in the water, a hand frother will suffice, it charges the water and adds more energy to it.
Same goes for the sun! You can place your water in the sun for a minute or two and it completely changes the structure. Veda Austin has done a lot of research on this!

Day 4: Legs Up the Wall

The lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the circulatory system does, meaning that it relies upon gravity and movement to function efficiently. This is why inverting the legs is so beneficial, because it assists the flow of lymph fluid to move from the lower extremities to the nodes.

This system plays an important role in filtering and breaking down pathogens and toxins. The filtering occurs at the node sites in the body found on the neck, armpits, stomach, and groin. Also, studies show that the functioning of a woman’s lymphatic system directly affects how progesterone moves through the body. It is essential that progesterone is able to reach its targets in the body!
Inverted positions also help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system by slowing down the breath which signals the vagus nerve that the body is safe.
Stress is a huge contributor to hormonal imbalance. Any way we can find relief from stress can make an impact on our hormones!
Try to squeeze a 5-10 minute leg up the wall session daily. During this time, focus on breathing slowly and calmly. Allow yourself to enter a meditative state and really relax. Be sure to slowly move out of the pose afterwards and gradually take your time back to sitting/standing. 

 Day 5: Take A 10-15 Minute Walk After Meals

Skeletal muscles need glucose to function efficiently. When they are active, they absorb/consume free glucose in the blood to help with energy production. 
When we eat a meal, especially one that is carbohydrate rich, our blood sugar levels will spike. In regard to hormonal balance, the goal is to prevent large blood sugar spikes. Instead aim for stable blood sugar levels!


Movement will help to keep blood sugar levels stable.  

Day 6: Wear Blue Light Blocker Shades After Sundown

Artificial blue light after dark can throw off our circadian rhythm. Blue light blockers help keep our circadian rhythm in check by filtering out blue light before it reaches the retina. Reducing blue light exposure helps natural melatonin production. Melatonin helps to synchronize our circadian rhythm
Until we started using artificial light, the sun was our main source of light. We would spend our days in the sun and our evenings in darkness. We evolved this way.
Today, we rely on artificial light at all hours of the day which is throwing our biological clocks out of whack.  A dysregulated circadian rhythm has been shown to negatively impact hormone balance.
Hormone production is a time-sensitive process. Certain hormones are produced and secreted at specific times of the day. If the body doesn’t know what time it is, this is going to affect hormone production and in turn, can impact hormone balance. 
Are you interested in trying blue light blockers out? Ra Optics is a great brand. Use code COOKWITHANGELIKA for a discount! 


Day 7: Bring Your Own Stainless-Steel Tumbler or Ceramic Mug!
As a society that has become very accustomed to getting coffee on the go, paper cups have been the preferred go-to choice. Here is the thing, they are coated in plastic. These disposable cups are mostly made of paper, but the cup’s interior contains plastic made of polyethylene, which is meant to keep liquid from seeping through.
Researchers wanted to see what happened to the plastic in the cup when exposed to hot liquid. They poured about 4 oz of hot water into a disposable paper cup and let it sit for 15 minutes. After analyzing the liquid, they found that 25,000 microplastic particles were released. Many people drink one, if not more, cups of coffee/tea in these disposable plastic cups DAILY.
Plastic is a well-known endocrine disruptor that can affect how estrogen and other hormones act in the body by blocking or mimicking them which throws off hormonal balance.
Doing something as simple as bringing your own stainless-steel tumbler to get coffee is a great way to prevent or reduce exposure to plastic. You still get to enjoy your coffee, and most of the time it stays hot for longer for those who like to take their time sipping away!


Day 8: Grounding

Grounding is when your body comes in direct contact with the electrons on the surface of the earth, skin to ground. This type of therapy uses the energy from the earth as a natural antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals in the body. If free radicals overwhelm the body’s ability to regulate them, then oxidative stress can occur, which in turn can damage cells, proteins, DNA and can contribute to aging.  Oxidative stress can also impact hormonal balance. 
Grounding benefits include:
  • Helps regulate circadian rhythm
  • Keep cortisol levels in check 
  • Reduces stress levels
  • Maintains melatonin/serotonin production
  • Reduces time for wound healing
  • Decreases inflammation and pain
  • Improves circulation
Ways to ground 
  • Walking outside barefoot
  • Laying on the ground
  • Going swimming
  • Using grounding mats, blankets, patches and socks
To maximize benefits, stay connected to the earth for a minimum of 20 minutes to allow for sufficient electron transfer! 


Day 9: Dry Brushing

Hormones depend on the lymphatic system to circulate through the body. A stagnant lymphatic system can prevent hormones from reaching their target destination effectively. Dry brushing also helps remove dead skin cells and promotes circulation of lymph fluid and of the blood to encourage metabolic waste and toxin removal. Not to mention that it can be very relaxing!
How to dry brush:
  • Always start at the top of the feet using long sweeping motions in an upward direction in the same area a few times before moving up the legs. 
  • Continue to move up the legs, then up the abdomen and up the arms. Don’t forget the back of the legs and the arms!
This process should take about 5-10 minutes You can dry brush your face as well. In addition to assisting with lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation, dry brushing the face can help aid fine lines and wrinkles, reduce puffiness and dark circles, clear up congestion and is a great facial exfoliant!
How to dry brush the face:
  • With a clean face, using a dry brush with softer bristles, start brushing from the chin moving to the ear with very light and gentle strokes. 
  • Move up and brush from the nose to the hairline.
  • Brush from the eyebrows up and over to the hairline.
  • Lastly brush up the neck over to the ears then down the sides of the neck. 

Day 10:  Infrared Sauna Sessions

Infrared saunas can help balance hormones by reducing stress and promoting relaxation, stimulating hormone release and by reducing the toxin load on the body so the liver can function efficiently. 
Stress is a huge contributor to hormonal imbalances. Finding ways to minimize stress, like utilizing sauna sessions, can be an amazing way to give your hormones some TLC!
Did you know, sauna sessions have been shown to increase growth hormone levels by up to 16 times? Growth hormone has many functions including maintaining body structure and metabolism. An efficient metabolism supports hormonal balance!
Infrared saunas can be a great way to purge the body of toxins through sweat and by increased blood and lymph circulation. This helps lower the toxic load on the body which supports the liver’s detoxification processes.  The liver’s primary function is detoxification, but it also plays a big role in processing hormones and removing them from circulation. Therefore, keeping your liver in tip-top shape is essential for hormonal balance!
For best results, aim for 3-5 sessions weekly 25-45 minutes per session depending on how much you have acclimated. Over time, you will be able to stay in longer.


Day 11: Get Your Daily Dose of Sunshine

Getting too much sun is dangerous for the skin, but that doesn’t mean we should completely avoid it. As a society, we have evolved to spend most of our time indoors and it is truly doing a disservice to our health. The sun offers so many benefits.
In terms of hormonal balance, the sun helps with serotonin and vitamin D production.  When sunlight enters your eyes, it stimulates the brain to produce and release serotonin. Serotonin helps regulate your mood. It is often called the “feel good” chemical. When levels are normal, you feel more emotionally stable, focused, happy and calmer.  Better mood = less stress. 
The sun also helps us produce vitamin D which has SO many benefits. In terms of hormonal balance, vitamin D controls the production and activity of estrogen and progesterone.  Luckily, because vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, we can store it for the winter.  While the sun is out and shining bright, take in all those benefits! Your body AND your hormones will thank you for it! 15-20 minutes of unfiltered sunshine daily (or at least 2-3 times a week) will do the trick! 


Day 12: Magnesium

Magnesium works wonders for hormones. Hormonal benefits of this magical mineral include:
  • Cortisol regulation: Known to calm the nervous system and keeps cortisol levels under control. 
  • Blood sugar balance: Helps with insulin production and sugar cravings. Blood sugar dysregulation is another huge contributor to hormonal imbalance.
  • Thyroid support: Plays a role in thyroid hormone production.
  • Sleep quality: Helps you get sleepy and stay sleepy! Sleep quality can greatly impact hormone balance!
  • Hormone production: Plays a role in the production of progesterone, estrogen and testosterone.
We used to obtain optimal amounts of magnesium through diet, but now due to conventional farming practices, the magnesium content of our food has gone down dramatically. There are foods out there that are magnesium-rich, like dark chocolate and nuts, but to be efficient, the best way to keep magnesium levels up in the body is to either apply it topically or take a supplement.
Here at Sun & Moo, we have two magnesium tallow balms, scented and unscented! These topicals are great options for optimizing magnesium levels in the body.  You can apply it to the inner thighs, wrists and the soles of your feet.


Day 13: Eat A Macro-Balanced Meal Three Times A Day

This is going to supply your body with the right balance of protein, fats, and carbs. Carbohydrates give your body fuel, protein helps rebuild and repair tissues and fats help you feel full, satiated, helps your body absorb fat soluble vitamins (A,D,E,K) and also gives you slow burning fuel. All essential factors in the hormone balancing game!
Eating this way will also help you balance your blood sugar. Proteins and fats paired with a carbohydrate will help prevent blood sugar spikes, which you want to avoid when you are trying to balance hormones. 


Day 14: Opt For A Mocktail Instead Of A Cocktail!

This way you can still drink something yummy and feel included when you go out. Just ask the server or bartender for their favorite mocktail recommendation! Many locations even have mocktail menus nowadays.  
Reducing alcohol consumption can be a really great way to support hormonal balance. 
Here are some ways alcohol affects hormonal balance:
  • In terms of estrogen, the liver is responsible for metabolizing estrogen that is no longer needed in the body. If the liver is not functioning optimally, it won’t be able to effectively remove estrogen, which allows it to then be reabsorbed in the body. Alcohol consumption affects liver function. Alcohol can also convert testosterone to estrogen. Both of these processes can lead to excess amounts of estrogen in the body.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption is linked to impaired progesterone production.
  • Alcohol consumption has been shown to negatively impact thyroid hormone production. 
Don’t forget… You can also make mocktails at home! Try this recipe!
The Sunny Detox 
  • 1 ½ oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1 oz raw honey (add a little hot water to dissolve before mixing)
  • ¾ oz fresh ginger juice 
  • ¼ tsp ground turmeric 
Add all of the ingredients to a shaker with ice then shake and strain over a glass filled with fresh ice. Garnish with a lemon and rosemary sprig! 


Day 15: Dose Up On Vitamin J (Vitamin Joy)

In other words, TREAT YOURSELF! With all of the consistency, determination and patience it takes to get your hormones back in balance... you should still be able to treat yourself every once in a while. As we’ve mentioned before, one of the most effective ways to support hormone balance is with stress management.
If you have been on track with your diet and lifestyle and you sometimes crave a pastry, ice cream or a sugary pumpkin spiced latte.... the act of restricting yourself from those cravings 100% of the time can actually cause more stress than anything else.
Other ways to treat yourself:
  • Take a nap
  • Sleep in
  • Get a bouquet of flowers for yourself
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Watch your favorite movie/show
  • Create something
  • Have a wine and paint night
  • Go to your favorite restaurant

We all need this kind of joy in our lives every once in a while, because life is too short!

Day 16: Switch To Red Light Bulbs

If you follow us, you have probably heard us talk about the connection between circadian rhythm and hormone balance. The production and secretion of our hormones are time-sensitive and the way our bodies are able to tell time is with our circadian rhythm.
The best way to keep our circadian rhythm in sync is by:
  • Exposing your eyes to sunlight first thing in the morning, before looking at your phone. This will send signals to your body that it is morning and as a result will stop producing melatonin (our sleepy hormone) and instead produce cortisol (our awake hormone)
  • Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day
  • Reducing blue light exposure after sundown. Blue light after sundown can be inevitable sometimes, so doing things like wearing blue light blocker glasses and changing your standard light bulbs to red lightbulbs are great ways to minimize blue light exposure.
The best light bulb option you can buy are incandescent light bulbs because it is a more natural form of artificial light, but LED light bulbs will work too!


Day 17: Ditch The Plastic Cutting Boards

Switch to wooden cutting boards instead!
Plastic cutting boards are a significant source of consumed microplastics. With every knife stroke on a plastic cutting board, you are releasing microplastics that can end up in your food. If you use this kind of cutting board every day, the amount of microplastics consumed could really add up!
Plastic is a hormone disruptor and can be classified as a xenoestrogen which acts like the estrogen we make in our bodies. Hormone disrupting chemicals like plastic end up binding to estrogen receptors on our cells and lock them up which prevents OUR estrogen from binding to the receptors. This can cause an increase in circulating estrogen (estrogen dominance) in the body potentially leading to PMS symptoms including mood swings, irritability, breast soreness, bloating and headaches.
The best option is a wooden cutting board. Not only is this type of cutting board absent of plastics, but it is also more durable and more malleable which helps prevent your knives from dulling out as fast. 


Day 18: Castor Oil Liver Pack

Some liver packs can be pretty expensive. This one is incredibly affordable and works even better than the pricey ones!
When you apply castor oil to your liver, it offers many benefits in regard to hormones:
  • Improves liver function. The liver is responsible for helping the body eliminate toxins and excess hormones.
  • It helps stimulate elimination in the digestive tract and keeps your bowel movements on track. When you don’t go consistently, this can lead to a buildup of bacteria, toxins and hormones, specifically estrogen. Our body eliminates estrogen via our digestive tract. If the excess estrogen isn’t able to leave the body, it can be reabsorbed. This can lead to hormonal imbalances (estrogen dominance).
  • Stimulates feel good hormones in the body like dopamine and oxytocin which helps keep stress levels down.
How to use:
  • You can either purchase a castor oil liver pack or you can use wool flannel fabric
  • Add a few tablespoons of castor oil on the pack or flannel fabric in the region that is going over the liver
  • Apply to the liver. For best results apply a heat pack on top.
  • Relax and let your body soak up that castor oil for 30 mins-1 hr
To start, use castor oil liver packs 2-3 times a week. Eventually you can work your way up to daily use. Replace the pack every three months! If you’re looking for a quality castor oil, we recommend Heritage Organics! 


Day 19: Oil Pulling

Oil pulling has been used since ancient times as a method of removing toxins from the mouth and body.  Finding ways to lower the toxin load in your body (oil pulling, swapping to safer household products, eliminating artificial fragrances and minimizing plastic consumption) can help support your liver and your endocrine system. Toxins can disrupt the endocrine system, hormonal balance and liver function.
How to oil pull:
  • Place a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth. If that is too much, try 1/2 a tablespoon
  • Swish all around your mouth for 5-20 minutes. When you first start, you may only be able to do this for 5 minutes... that’s okay! You can work your way up to 20 minutes
  • Spit out in the garbage, not the sink — oil is bad for the pipes! Do not swallow either!
Coconut oil is antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and is an antiseptic making it a great oil for cleaning the mouth.  To maximize results, try oil pulling at least a few times a week or up to 3 times a day. 
*Oil pulling doesn’t replace basic oral care (brushing/flossing) 

Day 20: Support Gut Health

Every system in the body is connected to our gut.  One of the biggest components of our gut is our microbiome. This internal balanced system of bacteria, fungi and other microbes contribute to digestive and nervous system function as well as hormonal balance.
The estrobolome is a collection of bacteria that are responsible for metabolizing and eliminating estrogen from the body. Estrogen is primarily broken down in the liver then is sent to the digestive system where it is broken down further by the estrobolome.  When the estrobolome is compromised, this prevents proper metabolism of estrogen resulting in potential reabsorption of estrogen which can lead to estrogen dominance (hormonal imbalance). 
Ways to support gut health:
  • Consume easily digestible and nourishing foods like soups and stews in addition to seasonal quality whole foods
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Consume probiotic rich foods or a probiotic supplement for gut health 
  • Betaine HCL supplements/digestive enzymes/digestive bitters
  • Stress management
  • Chew your food 15-30 times per bite
  • Sun exposure on your belly for 15 minutes daily 


Day 21: Magnesium Baths

Not only is a bath a great way to de-stress and wind down, but the magnesium in the bath helps to physiologically keep stress down in the body! Stress is one of the major contributors to hormonal imbalances. Magnesium is magic for hormones! 
Magnesium contributes to:
  • Cortisol regulation/stress management
  • Blood sugar balance
  • Thyroid function
  • Sleep quality
  • Hormone production & secretion
If you are experiencing stress or have hormonal imbalances, you can take epsom salt (or magnesium chloride) baths on a daily basis! 
Ancient Minerals Magnesium Bath Salt Flakes is a great option. This product contains magnesium chloride instead of magnesium sulfate which is more absorbable for the body... but magnesium sulfate works great if that is your only option.  Use about 1/2 -2 cups of salt per bath for 15-30 minutes. 


Day 22: Daily Journaling

One of the best ways to help regulate stress, gain control of your emotions and keep your mental health in check is to journal.
Journaling has been shown to help...
  • Create space/distance from negative thoughts: When negative or worried thoughts come up, they can easily take over. The process of writing down these thoughts help you create distance by helping you realize that you are not your thoughts and that these thoughts can sometimes be catastrophized. 
  • You process emotions: Many people push down their emotions instead of expressing them. The problem is that these emotions don’t go away. They will find a way to pop up to the surface at some point in time, usually without your awareness. Journaling helps you name the emotion you are experiencing in a more objective way which helps reduce their strength making even difficult emotions less overwhelming and easier to handle.
  • To deepen the love you have for yourself: Practicing self-love can be difficult, but when you have a solid relationship with yourself, you don’t have as strong as an attachment to outcomes or situations (a huge contributor to stress is attachment). Journal prompts like “Describe yourself positively in 10 words”, “Today I will show my body love by doing this...”, and “What current habits are destructive to your sense of self-love” can really help you cultivate self-love!
The best time to journal is in the morning, to help set the tone for the day.  Journaling sessions could include things you are grateful for, affirmations that resonate with you or insightful thought-provoking questions! 


Day 23: Cycle Syncing Workouts 

What is cycle syncing? During each phase of the menstrual cycle, your body will respond differently depending on where your hormones are at in that specific phase. 
  • Menstrual phase: Estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest leading to low energy. Also, your body is losing nutrients due to the loss of blood which causes your body to work more. This is an essential time to rest and replenish.  Best menstrual phase workouts (walking, yin yoga, low-impact strength training, foam rolling)
  • Follicular phase: Estrogen and testosterone levels start to rise. This leads to a boost in energy and mood. This is a good time to ramp up your workout routine! Best follicular phase workouts (running, biking/spin, dance, cardio, hiking, weight resistance)
  • Ovulatory phase: Estrogen and testosterone are peaking which contribute to boosted levels of energy.  Best ovulatory phase workouts (cycling, cardio, boxing, weight resistance, running, swimming)
  • Luteal phase: Estrogen and testosterone decline while progesterone increases. Energy levels start to decline while your stress response heightens and metabolic needs increase. This is a time to eat more, workout less and to avoid cortisol spikes! Best luteal phase workouts (low impact weights, yoga, pilates, low-incline walking) 
When you give your body what it needs as hormones fluctuate it has many benefits:
  • Improved energy levels 
  • Reduction in PMS symptoms
  • Better sleep
  • Hormonal balance
  • Blood sugar regulation
  • Stress reduction 

Day 24: Spend More Time In Nature

Studies show that spending time in nature is an antidote for stress. It helps by lowering stress hormone levels, regulates the nervous system, reduces anxiety and improves mood. 
A bit of little stress is inevitable and manageable, but chronic (consistent) stress on the other hand can be detrimental to overall health, including hormonal balance. 
Spend more time in nature by: 
  • Going on a hike or an adventure
  • Go on a quick walk after lunch or first thing in the morning 
  • Grounding by putting your feet on the ground outside
  • Having a picnic in the park
  • Exercising outside 
  • Gardening
  • Meditating near birds singing  

Day 25: The Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Method

Many women have been negatively impacted by synthetic hormonal birth control. The beautiful thing about BBT is that it is easy to use, effective and FREE from hormones and side effects!
How it works:
  • You take your basal body temperature at the same time every morning before getting out of bed. (BBT is your lowest body temp in a 24-hour period - you are more likely to have a low body temp in the morning than any other time of day). 
  • Record that data for three months to see a pattern emerge. You can either do this on a paper chart or an BBT app like Natural Cycles
  • The pattern you are looking for is a temperature increase of about 0.5-1.0F when you ovulate. Ovulation has likely occurred at that point when the temperature remains steady for three days or more (this temp increase comes from progesterone which is produced after ovulation. It is a heat-producing hormone).
  • After that, be sure to consistently take your temperatures and know your fertile window which includes your ovulation day and five days before ovulation. If you have the app, it will organize all of this information for you!
*BBT is most effective for those with regular cycles, for those with irregular cycles, temperatures may not be consistent enough to detect patterns* 


Day 26: Listen And Honor Your Body Cues

We have talked about cycle syncing in the past and that works for some women, but it doesn’t for others and here is why... Cycle syncing is a practice that recommends women follow the fluctuations of their hormones throughout their cycle with diet and lifestyle modifications. For instance, during the follicular phase, a woman’s estrogen levels are rising which signifies that her energy and vitality should be as well. In this case, a woman should be participating in high-energy movements/exercises. BUT, this is not the case for every woman. It is possible that you’re going to feel tired during your follicular phase.
Instead of pushing through and working out hard because your phase is dictating how you should act, you should listen to your body and rest when you are tired.  Women on hormone-balancing journeys already have enough on their plate, we shouldn’t add to the stress by making more rules on ways to live.  We should minimize as much as possible. This is what’s going to be most impactful to your hormonal balance!
Next time you’re in your follicular or ovulatory phase and feel like your body needs rest instead of a HIIT workout... HONOR that feeling and take it easy! Your body will thank you for it!


Day 27: Don’t Take Life Too Seriously

Taking things too seriously in life can have a negative impact on your mental and emotional well-being, both of which have strong influences on hormonal balance. 
Here are some reasons why we recommend not taking life too seriously:
  • Stress and anxiety: Constantly viewing life through a serious lens can lead to stress and anxiety. Over time, chronic stress can really take a toll on your overall health. 
  • Flexibility and adaptability: Life is unpredictable, and challenges are inevitable. Maintaining a more relaxed attitude and outlook on life can help you navigate the unpredictability with greater ease. 
  • Enjoying life: It is important to find joy, humor and happiness in the present moment rather than letting the seriousness of life’s challenges weigh you down on a consistent basis. 
  • Perspective: Cultivating a sense of humor and not taking everything too seriously can provide a broader perspective of life. It allows you to see the bigger picture, appreciate the journey and not get overwhelmed by things that probably don’t deserve your energy. 
  • Creativity: A more relaxed mindset enhances creativity and innovation. This outlook on life frees your mind, allows you to think outside the box and helps you come up with innovative solutions!
Remember, not taking life too seriously doesn’t mean being irresponsible or neglecting important aspects of your life. It is all about finding a balance between taking things seriously when necessary and allowing yourself the freedom to enjoy the journey with a lighter heart.  Your hormones will thank you for it! 


Day 28: Consume Coffee After A Macro-Balanced Breakfast!

Consuming coffee before breakfast can lead to blood sugar spikes for some. If an individual is affected by this and does this every morning, this can be a potential contributing factor to hormonal imbalance — blood sugar regulation has a strong connection to hormonal balance.

Keep note though, that this does not apply to everyone!

BUT if you have hormonal imbalances (experience irregular periods, strong PMS symptoms, heavy painful periods), and drink coffee on an empty stomach first thing in the morning, this may be something you want to modify and see how your body responds!

Day 29: Schedule Time To Do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

Taking time to do nothing, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation and reduce stress can be very beneficial to hormonal balance because it helps to reduce cortisol levels, balance insulin levels, improve sleep quality, enhance mood, and support thyroid health. 
Taking time to relax and reduce stress can help support the body's production and secretion of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. 
  • Here are some options:
  • Meditation
  • Deep breathing
  • Yoga
  • Progressive muscle relaxation 
  • Nature walks 
  • Listening to music
  • Reading
  • Taking a bath
  • Creating art such as drawing, painting, writing or crafting
  • Mindful walking
  • Lay in the sun 

Day 30: EFT Tapping

EFT tapping is a therapeutic technique that involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body while focusing on particular thoughts, emotions or issues.  
This technique can be used to immediately alleviate stress, anxiety, worries and other inhibiting feelings. 
If you have been following this series, you have seen us talk about how chronic stress is one of the biggest contributors to hormonal imbalance. 
Finding ways to manage stress can make a huge impact on our hormones and EFT is an effective way to go about it!
Here's how EFT works: 
1. Identify the issue or emotion you want to address.
2. Rate the intensity on a scale of 0 to 10.
3. Set up a statement that acknowledges the problem or emotion and follows with encouraging words of self-acceptance such as "Even though I feel (insert emotion/issue), I deeply love and accept myself", but it is still effective even if you don't say anything!
4. While reciting these statements, tap on these meridian points: top of the head, inside the eyebrows, side of your eyes, under your eyes, under your nose, on the chin, the side of the body and the side of your hand. 
5. Reassess how you are feeling and notice if your energy has changed, then scale to rate the emotion again. 

 We made a highlight reel on our Instagram page ( compiling all of the posts made on this topic. Head on over to see this content in action! 

*None of this information is intended to be medical advice, rather supplemental information to help you make informed decisions on your health!

April 02, 2024 — Maxine Nathan, BS Biology, NTP