Even though the oil cleansing method has been around for a while, it has become increasingly popular over these past few years for good reason. Using oil to clean your face may seem counterintuitive, but it actually works! Let’s dive into the science behind it all. 

How Do Oil Cleansers Work?

A well known rule of thumb in chemistry is the principle that “like dissolves like”. What this means is that substances that have similar properties are likely to dissolve into one another, in this case, oil dissolves oil. When cleaning the skin, the goal is to remove surface dirt, oil, grime and dead skin cells that can clog pores. The benefit of using an oil cleanser is that the applied oil breaks up and dissolves the unwanted surface buildup on the skin and in the pores. All that is left after rinsing is clean skin and a happy skin barrier.

Oil-Based Cleansing and the Skin Barrier 

Facial cleansing is an essential skincare practice, but over-cleansing or using the wrong cleanser can strip the skin of its natural oils which help to make up the skin barrier. 

The skin barrier is a protective layer on the outermost surface of the skin composed mostly of cholesterol, lipids, proteins and ceramides. This protective structure’s main function is to keep moisture locked in while keeping infectious agents and other irritants out [1]. The skin microbiome also plays an important role in keeping these infectious acne-causing microbes out as well!

Ways oil cleansing has been shown to help the skin barrier:

  • Antioxidants: High quality oils present in oil-based cleansers contain antioxidants that help to fight free radicals which have been shown to damage the skin barrier.
  • Microbiome: Certain oils, like jojoba oil for instance, encourage healthy bacteria to thrive which helps the skin microbiome function efficiently [2]. 
  • Barrier Protection: The right oils can help to clean the skin without stripping the skin’s natural oils. 

A skincare routine focused around maintaining, nourishing and replenishing the skin barrier and the skin microbiome is going to have the strongest impact on overall skin health

Looking to try an oil-based cleanser? Our customers love The Clear Oil! Made with organic baobab oil, organic jojoba oil and organic herbs and flowers, this product can be used both as a cleansing oil and as a daily moisturizing oil. More bang for the buck! 

Click here for more information

Should People with Acne-Prone Skin Oil Cleanse?

Oil cleansers can absolutely benefit those with acne-prone skin. This cleansing method is beneficial for all skin types ultimately because it effectively cleans, balances the skin and microbiome, locks in moisture, and is a gentler option. All of which acne-prone skins needs when it comes to cleansing. 

Is it Okay to Oil Cleanse Every Day?

Yes, because the oil cleansing method is gentle on the skin. In the morning, we recommend rinsing your face with only water, then use an oil cleanser at night. Many of our customers have seen improvements in their skin when switching to washing twice a day to only washing once at night. Most times, the skin only needs to be cleansed once a day. As mentioned above, over-cleansing can do more harm than good. 


  1. Skin barrier function - PMC (nih.gov)
  2. Case Study: How Jojoba Oil Rebalances Skin Microbiome to Improve Complexion (vantagegrp.com)
July 26, 2024 — Maxine Nathan, BS Biology, NTP